Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weight Loss

Today is the day. I am not going to sit around anymore whining about how fat I am. I am going to do something about it. I know losing weight is hard, if it was easy everyone would be super skinny.

I'm hoping I get to at least 136-140. That would be a healthy weight for my size. I also hope that all these stretch marks go away too. Because i honestly can't deal with this anymore. I want to look like I used to.

I'm not going to sit here and write a bunch of things that I don't feel like writing. I'm going to go work out on the Wii.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Friday, October 1, 2010

And just like that...

He was gone. It only takes a second for your life to change...and it's absolutely terrifying. Travis wasn't my "best friend" I didn't talk to him every day. I never hung out with him much. But for the years we were together at camp.. we were really good friends. He was such a fun guy to be around. He was always doing crazy things to get people to laugh and in some cases, to get extra money for bets. He was such a lively guy. He could make anyone cheer up with just a crooked smile. Just so full of life...

It hurts so much to think of someone who's 18, with his whole life ahead of him...just gone. Just doing what he loved, riding a motorcycle. He'd race dirtbikes so he was familiar with motorcycles.. it put him in the hospital..he went into cardiac arrest, which when you think of something like that you never think of an 18 year old so it's hard to actually grasp what happened, they tried so hard to save him..his organs were failing he couldn't wake up from the coma..and just like that..he was gone..

I wasn't super close to him but I'm so luck to have had the chance to even know him. I know this blog is just everywhere but that's how my mind is operating..I can't even process that this really's so unfair that someone like him loses his life while their are evil evil people out there living free and alive. It just hurts so much. I feel just so terrible for his family..they are such amazing people who really have been so nice to everyone. His 2 sisters are just the coolest people. And they are hurting so much...and I hate that I can't do a single thing for them..I can never heal that pain and that hurts me. I know his parents must be dying parent ever wants to have to bury their're not supposed to outlive your child..just thinking in their shoes I'd be absolutely devastated. My own mother said if one of us died and she had to bury us..she'd be in a mental hospital. You just can't even being to fathom that..

I know he's in a better place and I understand that but it still just hurts to think of this happening. I've never had a friend die before and it's just hard to grasp.

I just hope that his family knows how much everyone loves them and Travis. And I know there's a ton of people out there praying for them.

Here's to you Travis, have fun riding dirtbikes on the golden road...I'll see you again one day. Love you buddy <3